Towards equal access to quality and responsive care

The Patient Voice Initiative engages individuals and communities to amplify their voices for informed decision-making and to inspire policy change. Healthcare users are empowered to be co-producers of health while strengthening their partnerships with healthcare providers. That drives continuous improvement and accountability, creating an environment that demands and promotes equal access to quality people-centred care for enhanced and sustained health outcomes.

The initiative provides insights to ensure health literacy and empowers people to make informed decisions about their health status. Facilitating communication and elevating the voice of patients, their families, and caregivers improves the quality and safety of care, fostering trust and encouraging healthcare-seeking behaviour.

The initiative promotes citizen-led accountability, thus facilitating communication that supports accessibility to information and improved provider and user satisfaction.

SparkING conversations on QUALITY OF care


Facilitating citizen-led accountability for quality of care
Promoting a culture of continuous quality improvement for enhanced health outcomes
Informing policy change
Advocating for strong partnerships between health professionals and patients.
Fostering trust from patients and encouraging healthcare seeking behaviour
Enhancing health literacy and informed decision making
Facilitating communication that supports accessibility to information
Years Active




Hospitals Recognised


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